did he become would he become that he became since he became
confusing; confused confused; confused confused; confused confusing; confusing
went blank got confused got changed went white
confused confusing confusing confused confusing; conftising confused confused
the more I became confused I became confused more the more confused I became the more confused did I become
confusing; confusing confused; confusing confused; confused confusing; confused
Not likely No way Not really Not nearly
confusing; confused confused; confused confused; confused confusing; confusing
cheered confirmed confused controlled
confusing confused confuse confuses
consistent hesitant flexible critical
confused; confusing confused; confused confusing; confused confusing; confusing
frequent responsible flexible consistent
confusing confused confuse confuses
confused; confusing confusing; confused confusing; confusing confused; confused
amazed; confused amazing; confusing amazed; confusing amazing; confused
confusing;confusing confused;confused confusing;confused confused;confusing
confusing confused confuse confuses
confused; confusing confusing; confused confusing; confusing confused; confused
disappointing confusing disappointed confused