what the artwork intends to tell the style and form of the work the common factor of science the quality of the artwork
A.miss is as good as a mile Many hands make light work No pain, no gain A.friend in need is a friend indeed
if Dr Ma still works on the ORBIS plane how much does the tallest man in the world weigh when Audrey Hepburn had entered the film industry that Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon
form way direction course
advancement acquisition announcement acknowledgement
improve efficiency increase production reduce workload improve comfort
improve efficiency increase production reduce workload improve comfort
used to work used to working was used to working was used to work
A.miss is as good as a mile Many hands make light work No pain, no gain A. friend in need is a friend indeed
caught being caught to be caught having been caught
多能干细胞表面标志是CD34+/CD38- 多能干细胞表面标志是CD34+/HLA-DR- 定向干细胞的表面标志是CD34+/CD38+ 定向干细胞的表面标志是CD34+/mA-DR+ 骨髓中CD34+细胞约占单个核细胞的5%~8%
left has left was leaving had left
enthusiastic support absolute neutrality slight suspicion moderate approval
in , while on , during for , in on , for
to visit visit visited visiting