Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
covered to cover covering having covering
16% of their income. US $ 650,000 US $ 2 i000,000,000,000 US $1900 to US $1918 per person.
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
All Americans do not receive preventive care. Many Americans seek medical help when it is too late. Everyone who is sick will receive medical help. Americans do not receive medial help even when they are sick.
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
a. You might think we’d be getting some bang for those bucks, but our leading killer remains what it has been every year since 1900 (with the exception of 1918, when influenza claimed more lives ): heart disease, which kills nearly 650,000 of us each year. "The reason we rank so poorly is that we don’t provide a basic - wellness infrastructure, "says Dr. Mehmet Oz, director of the cardiovascular institute at the Columbia University Medical Center and a host on the Discovery Health Channel. How much did the Americans pay for health care in 2005 16% of their income. US $ 650,000 US $ 2 i000,000,000,000 US $1900 to US $1918 per person.
is harm to does harmful to is harmful to do harm to
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
They account for 70% of all deaths. They are responsible for most of the health care costs. They often result in unhealthy lifestyles. They are largely preventable.
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