With pleasure It’s kind of you Don’t mention it Have a nice trip
《马拉之死》 《日出·印象》 《旋转木马》 《格尔尼卡》
①表示的地理事物比②③详细 ②表示的地理事物比①③详细 例尺由大到小的排列顺序是①②③ 比例尺由大到小的排列顺序是③②①
patient grateful punctual available
got stuck; would have come got stuck; was have got stuck; would have come had got stuck; would come
did he start; she realized he started; did she realize did he start; she had realized he started; had she realized
星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 15.小明所在班级计划3月4日到临沂市科技馆参观,出行时你会建议他带上( ) A.防晒霜 B.墨镜 C.雨伞 D.太阳帽