Bob should be fired should Bob be fired Bob be fired be Bob fired
Bob in the head Bob's head Bob on the head on Bob's head
where Bob live where does Bob live where Bob lives where do Bob live
where Bob lives where Bob live where does Bob live where does Bob live
if Bob has walked farther if Bob should walk farther if Bob had walked farther if Bob walked farther
Bob in the head Bob's head Bob on the head on Bob's head
where Bob lives in where Bob lives Bob lives where where does Bob live
Should Bob know Had Bob known Were Bob to know Have Bob known
Alice的公钥 Alice的私钥 Bob的公钥 Bob的私钥
Bob将支付Tom100美元,而且,Bob将停止大声放音乐 Tom对Bob的支付在100——150美元之间,Bob将停止大声放音乐 Bob将支付Tom150美元,Bob继续大声放音乐 Tom对Bob的支付在100——150美元之间,Bob将继续大声放音乐
you; Bob’s your; Bob’s your; Bob you; Bob
Bob had walked farther if Bob should walk farther had Bob walked farther if Bob walked farther