stores on the web large commercial web sites small commercial web sites public government web sites
made by the hackers and put on computers not found by the experts prepackaged and found on many computers hard to find
someone who breaks into and uses someone else's computer someone who breaks commercials someone who fixes someone else's computer someone who does not know about computers
Web Server Web Browser Web Site Web Page
stores on the web large commercial web sites small commercial web sites public government web sites
web site→网上交易→Internet web site阶段→供应链Internet联结阶段→网上交易 Internet→dealer→web site 供应链Internet→web site阶段→网上付款
Web Server Web page Web Browser Web site
Web Server Web Browser Web Site Web Page
someone who breaks into and uses someone else's computer someone who breaks commercials someone who fixes someone else's computer someone who does not know about computers
puts Web site operators at a legal disadvantage renders correct legal decisions in other cases impossible brings about a series of incorrect legal rulings causes operators to issue balanced health plans
Web Server Web page Web Browser Web site
it is large it is very small it takes little time for a computer to read it is the size of a short note
book newspaper Web site technology online shopping
computers are hard to reach everyone has their computers locked computers are not very secure companies ask them to do it
made by the hackers and put on computers not found by the experts prepackaged and found on many computers hard to find
it is large it is very small it takes little time for a computer to read it is the size of a short note
Internet→dealer→web site web site→网上交易→Internet web site阶段→供应链Internet联结阶段→网上交易 供应链Internet→web site阶段→网上付款
computers are hard to reach everyone has their computers locked computers are not very secure companies ask them to do it