Realized; to Realize; for Having realized; to Realizing; for
Hardly Directly mostly Nearly
Direct Directly Moment Constant
Realized; to Realize; for Having realized; to Realizing; for
Were I to take; shouldn't have made If I had taken; would make Had I taken; wouldn't have made Have I taken; won't have made
made; did made; do make; do make; did
clarify diagnose evaporate correct
clarify diagnose evaporate correct
I always make I’m always making I’ve always made I always made
Hardly Directly Mostly Nearly
could have made would have made should have made might have made
Hardly Directly Mostly Nearly
I realized I had realized did I realize would I realize
Made To make Making Having made
made have made had made was making
I always making I often made My often making Often make
did I realize I realized I have realized have I realized
Hardly Directly Mostly Nearly
clarify diagnose evaporate correct
could have made would have made should have made might have made