get round take in give away rule out
talking to to talk to talk to to talking to
stubborn uneducated friendly responsible
he can see the difference between red and deep red he can see the difference between blue and green he can’t tell the difference between orange and green he thinks green is the same as blue
stubborn uneducated friendly responsible
do I don’t I can he can’t he
He loves it He can see it I
get round wipe out take over see through
stubborn mean cruel responsible
can't he can be am I am not I
talking to to talk to talk to to talking to
Oh, you can Oh, it’s a pity I hope to see him soon I should think so
along; along along; through through; along through; through
he can see the difference between red and deep red he can see the difference between blue and green he can’t tell the difference between orange and green he thinks green is the same as blue
Oh, you can Oh, it’s a pity I hope to see him soon I should think so
do I don’t I can he can’t he