international students work in part time to have more contact with British people international students have more conversations with British students in pubs the university provide more cultural activities for overseas students universities set up more pubs for students to develop drinking culture
growers’ lack of attention to personal hygiene lack of effective guidelines the FDA’s decision to import more foreign fruits and vegetables people involved in distributing fresh produce
no free rooms free rooms not away on holiday holidays
reduced its service to some regions reduced its service to all regions reduced its Service to some areas while adding to some other regions canceled all its services to Southeast Asian countries
didn’t really want any more coffee wanted them to take the coffee pot away really wanted some more coffee wanted to express my politeness
some tricks need to be adopted to encourage foreign growers to follow the FDA guidelines. a good way should be found to encourage foreign growers to follow the FDA guidelines. foreign growers consider the guidelines to be of great importance to them. it is almost impossible to ask foreign growers to follow the guidelines.
has said to be translated has been said to have translated is said that it had been translated is said to have been translated
some tricks need to be adopted to encourage foreign growers to follow the FDA guidelines a good way should be found to encourage foreign growers to follow the FDA guidelines foreign growers consider the guidelines to be of great importance to them it is almost impossible to ask foreign growers to follow the guidelines
reduced its service to some regions reduced its service to all regions reduced its Service to some areas while adding to some other regions canceled all its services to Southeast Asian countries