meet met have met will met
You set me up. I don't know What if You are kidding!
shortly currently lately probably
0.1%≤i≤1% 0.3%≤i≤3% 0.4%≤i≤4% 0.5%≤i≤5%
I meet do I meet I have met have I met
Had you met Have you met Do you meet Are you meeting
naming named name by by call
I happened it happens It so happened I happen
I met; determining have I met; determining I met; determined have I met; determined
tailor's a tailor's the tailor the tailor's
a tailor's tailor's the tailor the tailor's
0.1%≤i≤1% 0.3%≤i≤3% 0.4%≤i≤4% 0.5%≤i≤5%
shortly currently lately probably
Ic≤Ir≤Iz或Ic≤Iset1≤Iz Ic≤Iset1 I2≤1.45Iz Ic≥Ir≥Iz
a tailor's tailor's the tailor the tailor's
a tailor's tailor's the tailor the tailor's
had I met have I met I had met I have met