查询在WH1或者WH2仓库中的职工信息 查询仓库号为WH1或者WH2的仓库信息 查询即在仓库号为WH1,又在仓库号为WH2工作的职工信息 语句错误,不能执行
decide to decide decided deciding
who will you go who will go who went who did you go
仓库号="wh1" AND仓库号="wh2" 仓库号!="wh1"OR仓库号#"wh2", 仓库号<>"wh1" OR仓库号!"wh2" 仓库号户'whl,tAND仓库号!:”wh2”
is up to is up on up to up for
to decide decide to describe describe
仓库号=“wh1”AND仓库号=“wh2” 仓库号!=“wh1”OR仓库号#“wh2” 仓库号<>“wh1”OR仓库号!=“wh2” 仓库号!=“wh1”AND仓库号!=“wh2”
white whisper whose wheel
to;to for;for to;for for;to
查询在WH1或者WH2仓库中的职工信息 查询仓库号为WH1或者WH2的仓库信息 查询即在仓库号为WH1,又在仓库号为WH2工作的职工信息 语句错误,不能执行