can be predicted at birth stays the same throughout his life can be increased by education is determined by his childhood
can be increased by education can be predicted at birth is inherited from his parents is determined by his childhood
Project leade Quality control departmen Project manage Team membe
individuals with identical brains seldom test at the same level an individual’s intelligence is determined solely by his environment children reared under average conditions possess average intelligence lack of opportunity hinders the growth of intelligence
convince commit accustom transform
once every crankshaft revolution once every two crankshaft revolutions once every piston stroke twice every piston stoke
once every crankshaft revolution once every two crankshaft revolutions once every piston stroke twice every piston stroke
can be increased by education can be predicted at birth is inherited from his parents is determined by his childhood
can be increased by education stays the same throughout his life can be predicted at birth is determined by his childhood
individual with identical brains seldom test at same level an individual’s intelligence is determined only by his environment lack of opportunity blocks the growth of intelligence changes of environment produce changes in the structure of the brain
Measuring Your Intelligence. Intelligence and Environment. The Case of Peter and Mark. How the Brain Influences Intelligence.
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can be increased by education can be predicted at birth is inherited from his parents is determined by his childhood