As to delinquent youth, decentralized correctional programs are more effective than traditional correctional practices. Correctional institutions are superior to youth services bureaus in that they centralize delinquent youth. Most delinquent youth are liable to be involved in new offences. The reason why many experts prefer correctional institutions is that they succeed in rehabilitating delinquent youth.
A; a The; / /; the A; the
obvious major unclear minor
The growing demand for luxury goods and services was a major factor in the coming of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution exploited the already existing demand for luxury goods and services. Although the demand for luxury goods may have helped bring about the Industrial Revolution, the demand for luxury services did not. There is no reason to believe that the Industrial Revolution was directly driven by a growing demand for luxury goods and services.
terrifies reminds forgives impresses
live would live will live have lived
A; a The; / /; the A; the
As to delinquent youth, decentralized correctional programs are more effective than traditional correctional practices. Correctional institutions are superior to youth services bureaus in that they centralize delinquent youth. Most delinquent youth are liable to be involved in new offences. The reason why many experts prefer correctional institutions is that they succeed in rehabilitating delinquent yout
narrative satirical expository argumentative
narrative satirical expository argumentative
weighing checking taking supposing
powerful illegal painful awful
carried out in the major areas of illiteracy like Africa realized in ten years made by experts in Paris discussed at an international conference
carried out in the major areas of illiteracy like Africa realized in ten years made by experts in Paris discussed at an international conference
imprisonment program offend crime
unclear obvious major minor