in favor of in honor of
in celebration of in terms of
in celebration of
A. in celebration of in memory of in favor of in praise of
wouldn’t take wouldn’t have taken needn’t take needn’t have taken
100 years old 200 years old 300 years old 400 years old
I received many more presents than others Because my parents promised me a new car My uncle's coming back from abroad As there was an unusual celebration
was well prepared has been preparing had been prepared prepares
I received much more presents than others Because my parents promised me a new car My uncle's coming back from abroad As there was an unusual celebration
As there was an unusual celebration My uncle’s coming back from abroad I received many more presents than others Because my parents promised me a new car
I was looking forward to it I hope so I’m afraid not It doesn’t matter
I am looking forward to it I hope so I’m afraid not It doesn’t matter
) I received many more presents than others ) Because my parents promised me a new car ) My uncle’s coming back from abroad ) As there was an unusual celebration