as twice many cars twice many as cars twice as many cars as many cars twice
he called her "The Believer" her belief in him was a constant encouragement from the earliest days of their relationship, she always encouraged her husband to build a horseless carriage she often reminded her husband that the way to make automobiles is to make them all alike
his wife’s encouragement a lot of money to buy equipment engineers and technicians to produce a gasoline engine that would be the power for his car
a production line where each worker does only a small part of work to complete a product a house where many cars could be built in a single day a place where Henry could limit himself to the few tools for the task a workshop where the Model T was first produced in 1913
probable possible improbable impossible
wings engines pilots speed
wings engines pilots speed
Then As usual After In addition
he created wealth for them he made cars with all kinds of colors his mass production was able to bring the price down he produced a gasoline engine as the power for his cars