had said said might say might have said
downloading every e-mail before you reply responding right away if it's urgent scheduling it for later reply if it takes much time asking someone else to reply it if it's not at your convenience
walked over walked into fell into ran over
during she walked against during she walked towards while she walked against while she walked towards
had said said might say might have said
had said said might say might have said
had said said might say might have said
walked; noticed walked; had noticed walks; has noticed had walked; noticed
had said said might say might have said
had said said might say might have said
Flew it away Away flew it Flew away it Away it flew
had said said might say might have said
walked;noticed walked; had noticed walks; has noticed had walked; noticed
Flew it away Away flew it Flew away it Away it flew
walked so fast looked through a rubbish bin felt cold carried heavy shopping bags