takes, to do take, to do takes, do take , do
Very; preparing Much; prepared Greatly; to prepare Rather; being prepared
take taking takes to take
Tim’s parents asked him to play the piano every day. Tim and his parents would play the piano together. Tim had to practice playing the piano every day. to learn playing the piano is too hard for Tim.
went hiking go hiking goes hiking hiking
every second weeks every two weeks every a few weeks every two week
to work working work works
to be taken to take taking take
develop work run exchange
In an attempt; each two weeks Make an attempt; every other week Make an attempt; every two weeks In an attempt; every second week
enjoys watching enjoy watching enjoy to watch enjoys to watch
reminding; taking to remind; to take to remind; taking reminding; to takE.
Taking To take Take Taken
him taking on him taking him to take he takes
are, join in is, join are, take part is, take part in