The project sponsor should be leading this kind of meetin They are not following the project communication pla There are too many departments involved in the projec The project manager is really managing a progra
Hundred of Hundreds of Two hundreds of Two hundreds
came about came came up with came out
was in power is in power came to power came in power
the people in this province came from many places not many people from France or Spain came here there are more Asians in this province than in the other provinces the people in this province came from one place
came about came along came up with came out
Million of Millions of Two million of Two millions of
Notify managemen Hold a team meetin Look for alternative ways to meet the quality leve Ask management tp come up with option
hundreds hundred hundreds of hundred of
Million of Millions of Two million of Two millions
hundreds hundred hundreds of hundred of
do they didn't they hasn't they did they
During the project life cycle and at the en At the end of the project during closin After the end of the project at a project post-mortem meetin Lessons learned can be organized when there is time availabl
The stranger came to see Walt. Shorty came back on time. Walt worked far away from the shop. Some people lived around the shop.
the people in this province came from many places not many people from France or Spain came here there are more Asians in this province than in the other provinces the people in this province came from one place