the cold front represents a belt of bad weather the warm front represents a belt of bad weather both warm front and cold front represents a belt of bad weather neither warm front nor cold front represents a belt of bad weather"
It has been raining for days As the bad weather Because of the bad weather Because it has been raining for days
Expert Weather Forecast Seeing Approaching Storms Old Sayings about Weather Using the Senses to Detect Weather Changes
how is the air polluted why the air is seriously polluted what can we do to prevent that bad weather what are the real reasons
bad weatherconditions good weatherconditions bad weather good weather
Expert Weather Forecast Seeing Approaching Storms Old Sayings about Weather Using the Senses to Detect Weather Changes
the idea of feeling a coming storm is foolish older people know a lot about weather it is possible, but unlikely, that people feel aches when a storm is coming it is definitely true that some people can feel coming weather changes
In times of heavy weather, it is extremely dangerous if a seaman is not enough tall In times of heavy weather, it is extremely dangerous if a crew is very short In case of bad weather, it is particularly dangerous if there is a shortage in personnel In case of bad weather, it is particularly dangerous if there are enough personnel
What a bad What bad How bad a How bad
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What a bad What bad How bad How a bad
how is the air polluted why the air is seriously polluted what can we do to prevent that bad weather what are the real reasons
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What a bad weather What bad weather How bad a weather How bad weather
Expert Weather Forecast Seeing Approaching Storms Old Sayings about Weather Using the Senses to Detect Weather Changes
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