what to do what doing how to do where to do
Study at home Do part-time jobs Take part in sports groups Do chores
how should we do what should we do how to do it what to do it
so that in case for fear that now that
so;what to do too;what to do s
what to do with how to deal with it what to deal with it how to do
so; what to do too; what to do so; how to do it too; how to do
What do you imagine making What do you imagine made Do you imagine what made Do you imagine what had made
what I can do how to do what to do bothA.andC.
So we do We do so We so do So do we
on account of in spite of regardless of in case of
so; what to do too; how to do so; how to do too; what to do
learn to learn learning learned
how we should do what should we do how to do it what to do it
how we should do what should we do how to do it what to do it
so that in case for fear that now that