take; drive take; to drive to take; to drive taking; driving
take; driving take; drive take; to drive to take; driving
to walk; driving walking; drive walking; driving to walk; drive
to walk; driving walking; drive walking; driving to walk; drive
less,less less,mole more,less fewer,less
fast faster more faster fastest
more tired less tiring less tired even more tiring
walking, driving walk, drive to walk, to drive drive, walk
take;drive take;to drive take;driving taking;driving
fast faster more faster fastest
keeping one’s car in good shape helps one save gas riding buses instead of driving is helpful to gas saving sharing a ride or walking to work is another way to save gas driving stress can be greatly relieved by using less gas.
to drive to driving than drive than driving
drive;walk driving;walking driving;walk drive;walking
take, drive take, to drive take, driving taking, driving
take; drive take; to drive take; driving taking; driving
take, drive take, to drive take, driving taking, driving
Human walking used more energy than bipedal walking in chimps One chimp used about the same energy in walking on two legs as on all fours Two chimps used more energy walking on two legs Three chimps used less energy walking on two legs