entity procession volume message
The sending of impulses through a wire. The transmission of voice from one TV set to another. The conversion of an image into electronic impulses. The feeding of impulses into the receiver.
DPCT(Dual Power Combining Transmission) DDT(Delay Diversity Transmission) FWDR(Four Way Diversity Receiving) IRC(Interference Rejection Combining)
IP(Internet-Protocol) TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol) UDP(User Datagram Protocol)
the transmission is aborted and an alarm sounds to indicate this data must be provided bythe operator. the transmission is not initiated and "ERROR" is indicated on the display readout the transmission will be made with "default" information provided artomatically. the receiving station will poll the DSC unit of the vessel in distress to download thenecessary information."
DPCT(Dual Power Combining Transmission) DDT(Delay Diversity Transmission) FWDR(Four Way Diversity Receiving) IRC(Interference Rejection Combining)
procedures function route medium
transport transmission development occurrence
DCI是PDCCH信道的下行控制信息,不同格式代表不同的调度控制信息。 Transmission Mode2时,DCI format1或1A均是发射分集 Transmission Mode3时,DCI format1A是空分复用 Transmission Mode7时,DCI format2A是发射分集
The control equipment The power unit The transmission system The follow-up mechanism
pulse data transmission clock
TransmissionControl Process Transfer Control Protocol Transmission Connecting Protocol Transmission Control Protocol
dropped proved improved upgraded
extending minimizing demolishing reducing
report to the caller repeat your last transmission continue since he received your last transmission end the transmission"