when; before after; when since; before since; until
How long is How long does How many time does How many hours are
How many times How many time How long How often
a long time ago for a long time since a long time after a long time
when; before after; when since; before since; until
since ; before after ; when since ; when after ; before
What time How many times How long How often
since; before after; when since; when after; before
when; before after; when since; before since; until
when; after after; when since; before before; since
I enjoyed myself for a long time I haven’t enjoyed myself for a long time I want to enjoy myself What a long time after I enjoyed myself
he spent years writing about the place he lived in he took quite a long time finding a suitable place to live he spent years looking for a certain village he lived in a Himalayan community for many months
since; before after; when since; when after; before
they have to look after their kids they have to look after their parents they are busy with their work they have no money