the compressor short cycling on high pressure cut out switch high suction pressure high head pressure bubbles in the sight glass
disappointed delighted bored annoyed
at the presence of at the present with in the presence of in the present with
in the presence of oxygen without oxygen in the presence of nutrition without nutrition
a blanket of bubbles formed on the surface of the fire smothering cooling isolating the heat from the fuel
sluggish response speed droop variations isochronous governing sensitivity increase
the temperature is raised the bubbles of vapor form below the surface the temperature of the liquid is raised enough the temperature of the liquid is near 100 Celsius
signals bubbles sounds ripples
the pump over-speeding an improper rudder response bubbles in the sight glass ram relief valves lifting
anaerobic bacteria aerobic bacteria air bubbles disinfection chemicals
the lack of a feedback the presence of a feed back the lack of a computer the presence of a computer
the presence of religious institutions the preference for "old-fashioned" parents the limited role of tradition the presence of folk singers in church services
It forms bubbles. It goes directly to the brain. It is reabsorbed by the lungs. It has a narcotic effect.
Pressurized helium. Nitrogen diffusion. Nitrogen bubbles. An air embolism.
be clear be blue be light green show bubbles
signals bubbles sounds ripples