Health Certificate Veterinary Certificate Phytosanitary Certificate Sanitary Certificate
animal and plant quarantine; ante- mortem veterinary inspection ante-mortem veterinary inspection; animal and plant quarantine animal and plant quantum; detection of defects detection of defects; ante - mortem veterinary inspection
instruction instrement inspiration inspection
ante-mortem veterinary inspection; port of call animal and plant quarantine; part of ealle ante-mortem veterinary inspection; place of issue animal and plant quarantine; place of issue
animal and plant quarantine;ante-mortem veterinary inspection ante-mortem veterinary inspection;animal and plant quarantine animal and plant quarantine; detection of defects detection of defects;ante-mortem veterinary inspection
animal and plant quarantine;ante—mortem veterinary inspection ante—mortem veterinary inspection;animal and plant quarantine animal and plant quarantine;detection of defects detection of defects;ante—mortem veterinary inspection
animal and plant quarantine;antemodem veterinary inspection antemortem veterinary inspection;animal and plant quarantine animal and plant quarantine;detection of defects detection of defects;antemortem veterinary inspection
进口商品检验;进境动植物检疫 进口食品卫生监督检验;出境动植物检疫 出口食品卫生监督检验;出境动植物检疫 进境动植物检疫;出境动植物检疫
quarantine;inspection;appraisal inspection;quarantine;appraisal appraisal;quarantine;inspection appraisal;inspection;quarantine
instrerment inspection instruction inspiration
进出口商品检验 进出境动植物检疫 进出口食品卫生检验 出入境检验检疫
animal and plant quarantine;ante—mortem veterinary inspection ante—mortem veterinary inspection;animal and plant quarantine animal and plant quarantine;detection of defects detection of defects;ante—mortem veterinary inspection
inspection quarantine appraisal treatment
进口商品检验;进境动植物检疫 进口食品卫生监督检验;出境动植物检疫 出口食品卫生监督检验;出境动植物检疫 进境动植物检疫;出境动植物检疫
ante - mortem veterinary inspection; part of call animal and plant quarantine; part of calle ante - mortem veterinary inspection; place of issue animal and plant quarantine; place of issue
phytosanitary certificate for reexport phytosanitary certificate quarantine declaration form on entry Veterinary certificate