I heard did I hear I had heard had I heard
I am sorry to hear that I will. Thank you very much I have no trouble I will think it over
where in which what the place
Thank you very much I’m sorry to hear that That sounds nice I think so
too much;hear too much;listen to much too;hear much too;listen to
I heard did I hear I had heard had I heard
I will think it over I have no trouble I will. Thank you very much I am going to hear that
had I heard did I hear I had heard I heard
I’m glad to hear that I will. Thank you very much I have no trouble I will think it over
I heard did I hear I had heard had I heard
I am sorry to hear that I will. Thank you very much I have no trouble I will think it over
very much too much much too so many
I am sorry to hear that I will think it over I have no trouble I will. Thank you very much
before until unless where
too much; hear too much; listen to much too; hear much too; listen to
I heard did I hear I had heard had I heard
I am glad to hear that I will.Thank you very much I have no trouble I will think it over