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(1.00分)The wind was not as sharp and c    (残酷的;凶猛的) as it had been.



window  show  now  yellow  
镯子(zhuó) 醇厚(chún) 寻觅(mì)  戍守(shù)   衣褶(zhé)  阔绰(zhuò) 和煦(xù)  契约(qì)   嗜好(shì)  奢望(shē)  抽噎(yē) 侥幸(jiǎo)    忧郁(yù)  滑稽(jī)  呓语(yì)  馈赠(kuì)  
收敛(liăn) 倜(tì)傥 倘(shàng)若 菜畦(qí)   衣襟(jīn) 讪(shàn)笑 懒惰(duò) 骊(lí)歌   抽屉(tì) 沼(zăo)泽 迸(bèng)出 木屐(jī)   忧郁(yù) 瞬(shùn)息 涉(shè)足 长吟(jīn)  
绱鞋shàng嬗变shàn 缫丝sāo 讪笑shàn   苫布shàn 擅长shàn 赦免shè 摄政shè   威慑shè 参商shēn 弑君shì 鹰隼sǔn   吸吮shǔn悚然sǒng 骨髓suí 艄公shāo  
40-60  60-80  80-100  100-120  
祈祷 (qí dǎo ) 诘责(jié zé ) 牟取 (móu qǔ ) 哂笑(shěn xiào )    笃信(dǔ xìn ) 狩猎(shòu liè) 蹲踞(dūn jù ) 苋菜(xiàn cài)   惩罚(chěnɡ fá ) 匕首(bǐ shǒu) 家醅( jiā pēi ) 招徕(zhāo lái)    吞噬(tūn shì ) 蓬蒿(pénɡ hāo) 缄默(jiān mò ) 酷肖(kù xiào)  
100毫米  10毫米  250毫米  
because wind and rain changed the weather  the drop in the temperature would have effects on wind and rain  because wind and rain did not change the weather  the drop in the temperature would not have effects on wind and rain  
80℃;  100℃;  120℃。  

