telling her admirer directly keeping on dating with her admirer avoiding meeting her admirer any more bringing her admirer together with another girl and still having him as a friend
is killed was killed has been killed had been killed
do whil..loop循环和d..loop until循环至少都执行一次 do whil..100p循环和d..100p until循环可能都不执行 do whil..100p循环至少执行一次,d..100p until循环可能不执行 do whil..100p循环可能不执行,d..loop until循环至少执行一次
scared and exciting scared and excited scaring and excitedly scaring and exciting
friendly to everybody considerate to others aware of man’s weakness meet other’s demands
is killed was killed has been killed had been killed
在whil和Do-whil循环体内应包含使循环趋于结束的语句 Do-whil的循环体不能是复合语句 Do-whil的循环体至少无条件执行一次 在for循环中可以使用rk语句跳出循环体for循环只能用于循环次数已经确定的情况
Yes, a girl’s namE. She’s a girl’s namE. She is a girl. It’s a girl’s namE.
x=34567 y=0 flag=. DO WHIL flag y=x% 10+y * 10 x=int(x/10) IF x>0 flag=. ENDIF ENDDO x=34567 y=0 flag=. DO WHIL flag y=x%10+y * 10 x=int(x/10) IF x=0 flag=. ENDIF ENDDO x=34567 y=0 flag=. DO WHIL!flag y=x%10+y* 10 x=int(x/10) IF x>0 flag=. ENDIF ENDDO x=34567 y=0 flag=. DO WHIL!flag y=x%10+y* 10 x=int(x/10) IF x=0 flag=. ENDIF ENDDO
paid off cast down accumulated to obtained by
picked up got up stepped up made up
that the little girl asks him the little girl asks him to for the little girl to ask him what the little girl asks him
marry him marry with him get married with him marry to him
had made made would make was making