胎心率130次/分 头位,羊水胎粪污染Ⅲ度 雌激素/肌苷(E/C)值>15 孕妇尿雌三醇值15mg/24h 妊娠近足月时,胎动>20次/24h
无水铜配位化合物[(C10H15NO)2CuO] 含2分子结晶水的铜配位化合物[(C10H15NO)2CuO•2H20) 合4分子结晶水的铜配位化合物[(C10H15NO)2CuO•4H20) 铜的氧化物 含5分子结晶水的硫酸铜
妊娠近足月时,胎动>20次/24h 孕妇尿雌三醇值15mg/24h 胎心率130次/分 头位,羊水胎粪污染I3度 雌激素/肌苷(E/C)比值>15
surprise challenge reaction threat
15-75 30-150 60-300 120-600
B.C.D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 child as she is,she find in surprise that she knows a lot of English words. A.A;the the ;the /;/ A;/
surprise challenge reaction threat
5~10分钟 15~40 分钟 50~70分钟 80~120分钟
草酰乙酸 草酰乙酸和C0 草酰乙酸+C0+H0 C0和H0 2Ach及4分子还原当量
relaxation disappointment surprise relief
≤1%~3%/8h ≤3%~5%/8h ≤5%~8%/8h ≤8%~10%/8h ≤10%~15%/8h
15-75 30-150 60-300 120-600
relaxation disappointment relief surprise