x25map1.1.1.22202 lin1 x25mapip1.1.1.22202 lin1 x25mapprotocolip1.1.1.22202 lin1 x25mapprotocolip22011.1.1.2 lin1
输入信号功率Lin-接收信号功率Lin 输出信号功率Lout-接收信号功率Lin 接收信号功率Lin-输出信号功率Lout 接收信号功率Lin-输入信号功率Lin
the railway enables people travel fast the railway brings comfort to people the railway makes the world peaceful the railway leads the world to war as well
车上各个LIN总线系统之间的数据交换是由控制单元通过CAN数据总线实现的; LIN总线是CAN总线网络下的子系统,是一种辅助型的总线网络; LIN从控制单元通过LIN主控制单元进行LIN系统的自诊断。 LIN从控制单元的软件内设定了一个周期,这个周期用于决定何时将哪些信息发送到LIN数据总线上多少次。
Wang Lin and Wang Hai Wang Lin's and Wang Hai’s Wang Lin's and Wang Hai Wang Lin and Wang Hai's
how I can get the railway station how can I get to the railway station where was the railway station where the railway station was
Wang Lin and Wang Hai Wang Lin’s and Wang Hai’s Wang Lin’s and Wang Hai Wang Lin and Wang Hai’s