40 meters wide; 600 meters away 40 meters wide; 600 meters away from wide 40 meters; away 600 meters 40 meters width; 600 meters away from
every a few meters every other meters every meters every few meters
recorded as cubic meters with a conversion to barrels verified by the Chief Engineer recorded directly from the oil discharge monitor consistently recorded through the Oil Record Book in one specified unit (gallons,barrels, cubic meters)
measures; twice the length of is measured; twice longer than is measured; twice as long as measures; as twice long as
one hundred and twenty-five meters as high as as one hundred and twenty-five meters as high as high as one hundred and twenty-five meters as high one hundred and twenty-five meters as
one meter deep One-meter-deep 18 meters deep 18-meter-deep
the depth a depth depth deep
the larger the larger of them the larger one that the larger of which
every few meters every a few meters every other meters every meters
stands a tower does a tower stand a tower stand a tower does stand
every few meters every other meters every a few meters every meters