nothing none nobody no one
No; Shall we make it some other time Yes; What time shall we meet I wish I could; What about some other time I’d love to; Will you go
went could go have gone could have gone
nothing something anything none
can help can have helped could help could have helped
I wish I could Yes, I’d love one Just as I thought Pretty well, thanks
could be of could be will be of will be
Yes, I do No, I haven’t No, I don’t Yes, I have
Yes, I have Yes, I haven’t No, I have No, I haven’t
I can give I could give I give I am giving
Have you gone Have you been Do you do Did you go
nothing none nobody no one
Yes, I do No, I don‘t Yes, I have No, I haven‘t
went could go have gone could have gone
I wish I could Yes, I'd love one Just as I thought Pretty well, thanks