manner mood mission vision
communication actually takes place when the message is received there are more means of receiving than sending communications reception of communications involved use of the senses it is difficult to organize by type the means of sending communications
VHF MF Satellite VHF and MF
narratives forecasts communications descriptions
route transmission vision manner
Tool Automation Device FAX
SMCP is a simplified version of Maritime English and should not be used in normalmaritime communications SMCP should only be used in emergency communications it is compulsory for all maritime to use SMCP in maritime communications all mariners are flexible in use of SMCP
controller-pilot data link communications control pilot using data link communications communications passed by data link circuit control pilot using long distancecommunicationstechnology
identify stakeholders,plan communications,distribute information,manage stakeholder expectations,report performance communications planning, response planning,progress reporting,and information distribution communications planning,information distribution,schedule reporting,and stakeholder analysis communications planning,change reporting,project records,and acceptance
most mostly major majority
enterprise environmental factors,organizational process assets,stakeholder register,stakeholder management strategy stakeholder requirements,project logistics,project budget,and project schedule stakeholder analysis,communications barriers,and organizational structure stakeholder survey,RAM,WBS,and administrative procedures
access reach approach touch
on board vessels ship-to-shore ship-to-ship on shore"
A. LAN WAN Internet Ethernet
In the Distress and Safety Communications VHFMF and HF are prohibiteD EPIRBs can only beoperated manually