For i=1 To 10 For j=1 To 10 If i=j Then Sum = Sum+ arrayl (i, End If Next j Next i Label Caption=Sum For i=l TO 10 Forj=1 To 10 If i= =j Then Sum=Sum+array1 (i, End If Next j Next i Label Caption=Sum For i=1 To 10 For j=1 To l0 If i=j Then Sum=Sum+arrayl (i, End If Next i Next j Lahel Caption=Sum For i=1 To 10 For j=1 To l0 If i=j Then Sum=arrayl (i, End If Next j Next i Label Caption=Sum
promise will promise promised had promised
I know That sounds exciting I'm sorry to hear that Thank you
I decided I'd decide I decide I'm deciding
I’d decide I decided I decide I’m deciding
I have decided I decided I’ll decide I’d decided
comes; comes will come; comes comes; will come will come; will come
No, I don’t Don’t worry Sorry, I won’t I don’t know
I decide I decided I’ll decide I’d decide
/; the a; the a; / the; a
I don’t know Good idea I agree I disagree
how to do how to do it to how what to do it
did they marry; marry to did they get marry; marry with have they get married; marry have they been married; marry
when;whether if;whether that;if whether;if