CARRIER班轮提单 Forwarders Cargo Receipt Sea Way Bill NVOCC提单
allowquery allowupdate forwarder forwarders
should never should not always would always not would not forever
the exporter's country the importer's country the countries involved European countries
to unite the freight forwarding industry worldwide to unite the transport industry worldwide to assist with vocational training for freight forwarders to assist with vocational training for importer and exporters
to unite the freight forwarding industry worldwide to assist with vocational training for freight forwarders to unite the transport industry worldwide to assist with vocational training for importer and exporters
They should always be started with the discharge valve closed They should always be started with the discharge valve opened A priming pump is always required to flood the impeller suction They should always be started with the sealing line valves closed
consignor consignee freight forwarder carrier
freight forwarders shipper's associations insurance brokers transportation brokers