running away running after looking after taking after
is running after is looking for are running after is searching
one person after another one by one a man and woman persons after persons
looked; fixed looked; fixing looking; fixed looking; fixing
made sure made sure of made a decision made plans
after; into after; out away; into into; into
Exhausting Having exhausted Exhausted To exhaust
looked; fixed looked; fixing looking; fixed looking; fixing
across; through cross; through through; across through; cross
looked, watched, run looked, saw, running watched, saw, run saw, watched, running
running to run runs to running
looked, watched, run looked, saw, running watched, saw, run saw, watched, running
steering timing turning running
running into running across running a risk running after
looked, watched, run looked, saw, running watched, saw, run saw, watched, running
can't mustn't may not shouldn't
running after run after to run after ran after
spend;to practise running take;to practise to run spend;practising running take;to practise running
looked, watched, run looked, saw, running watched, saw, run saw, watched, running