is adapted to ; from has been adapted to; for is adapted for; from has been adapted for; from
has been completed has completed was completed completed
was translating translated had translated has translated
was reading has read read had read
wrote; writes had written; has written was writing; has finished has written; writes
a horizontal fault a vertical fault a more serious fault than the San Andreas fault responsible for forming the Mississippi River
better more the best the most
was reading has read read had read
was reading has read read had read
complain personally to the manager threaten to take the matter to court write a firm letter of complaint to the store of purchase show some written proof of the purchase to the store
a horizontal fault a vertical fault a more serious fault than the San Andreas fault responsible for forming the Mississippi River
a not quite respectable form of the conventional novel. not a tree novel at all. related in some ways to the historical novel. an independent development of the novel.
a state in the west. a state in the upper mid-west. a state in the east. a state in the nort