decisive powerless hesitant mysterious
that; being all that; be what; is that all; are
applied attempted acquired arranged
the future of the world will be better and better technological advances will destroy the human race at last human technological advances axe useless in people’s life there is no need to develop technology
turn into amount to go into lead to
implication friction discrimination distinction
that; being all that; be what; is that all; are
procedures facilities proceedings apparatuses
the future of the world will be better and better technological advances will destroy the human race at last human technological advances axe useless in people’s life there is no need to develop technology
by chance to be honest above all for fun
discernible negligible sustainable observable
that; is; to all that; to; be that all; are what; to; is
that; is to all that; to be that all; to are what; to is
that; is all that; to be that all; are what; to is
in all above all after all at all
the future of the world will be better and better. technological advances will destroy the human race at last. human technological advances are useless in people’s life. there is no need to develop technology.
by chance to be honest above all for fun