velocity of current in knots direction from which the current flows estimated current direction toward which the current flows"
to what direction in what direction from what direction for which direction
ahead direction astern direction right-handed left-handed
"slow" direction, just before the 12 o ’clock position "fast" direction, just after the 12 o ’clock position "fast" direction, just before the 12 oclock position "slow" direction, just after the 12 oclock position
direction the wind is blowing toward direction the wind is blowing from duration of the maximum gust of wind wind chill dactor"
was driving drove had been driving had driven
direction to wind direction against wind wind direction variable direction
one flowing in the same direction as your course steered one flowing in the opposite direction as your course steered one that flows at nearly right angles to your course steered a rotary current in which the direction of current flow constantly changes"
the direction of the true wind true north the beam on the windward side the beam on the lee side"
regulate the fluid flow in either direction restrict movement of hydraulic fluid in one direction, but allow free movement inthe other direction allow free movement of hydraulic fluid in both directions allow a restricted fluid flow in one direction only
cloud movement vessel heading waves swells"
was driving drove had been driving had driven
in a direction that cannot be determined slack too in the same direction in the opposite direction
in the same direction in opposite direction to SE and NW respectively southerly"
was driving drove had been driving had driven
light ,variable winds with little or no humidity strong,gusty winds that blow from the same general direction all year steady winds that reverse direction semiannually strong,cyclonic winds that change direction to conform to the passage of an extreme lowpressure system"
true degrees magnetic compass degrees relative degrees isobaric degrees"