go on doing go on to do go on with go on
nor do I nor will I so do I so will I
Oh, no, you can't. Yes, you can leave if you likE. Do you really have to go? Couldn't you at least stay for another cup of tea? Oh, no.I don't understanD.
would go will go am going went
must mustn’t can’t needn’t
must have fallen asleep must fall asleep can’t been asleep must be asleep
make practice listen exercise
Well, I really must be going now. I wonder if you could let me go now. Do you mind if I leave now? What a shame that I want to go now!
must mustn’t can’t needn’t
must be cleaned must be cleaning must cleaned must clean
make practice listen exercise
have, would go had, went will have, will go had, would go
Sorry Thank you By the way Don't worry
Forget it Go ahead Come on Take your time