burning burnt to be burning being burnt
trapped trapping being trapped to trap
Do; be Are; be Do; being Are; being
calmly regularly automatically specially
being safe and sound safe and sound to be safe and sound safely and soundly
to not be not to be not being being not
being safe and sound safe and sound to be safe and sound safely and soundly
to not be not to be not being being not
are; being shown being;being shown being; showing are; be shown
been repaired been repaired being repairing being repaired
being punished to be punished punishing to have been punished
Tom being late Tom to be late For Tom being late Tom's being late
teenagers parents policemen doctors
Having accepted Accepting Being accepted Being accepting
certain sure safe careful
Having owned up; soundly and safely having made up of; safety and sound Armed with; safe and sound Being concentrated on; safe and sound
Are; be Do; be Are; being Do; being