-1000Hu -500Hu 0Hu +500Hu +1000Hu
+1000HU 100HU 10HU 0HU -1000HU
1000HU 100HU 10HU 0HU -1000HU
60HU 40HU 0HU -100HU -1000HU
0HU、-800HU 0HU、-1000HU 0HU、0HU -800HU、0HU -1000HU、0HU
1000HU 100HU 10HU 0HU -1000HU
develops raises improves increases
1000Hu 100Hu 10Hu 0Hu -1000Hu
±5HU、±3HU ±3HU、±5HU 0HU、0HU ±3HU、±3HU ±5HU、±5HU
+1000Hu 100Hu 10Hu 0Hu -1000Hu
60HU、20HU 150HU、25HU 400HU、35HU 80~100HU、35HU 1000~1500HU、350HU
150Hu 200Hu 50Hu 16Hu 60Hu
1000Hu 100Hu 10Hu 0Hu -1000Hu
-1000HU -500HU 0HU +500HU +1000HU
80~100HU、35HU 1000~1400HU、300~500HU 300~400HU、35~45HU 200~300HU、30~50HU 100~200HU、30~50HU
+1000HU 100HU 10HU 0HU -1000HU
Increases the sludge forming tendency of lube oil Prevents the accumulation of combustible gases Improves lube oil cooling Improves cold weather starting