(EXP==0) (EXP!=0) (EXP==1) (EXP!=1)
(!exp ==O) (exp>0 exp<0) (exp ==0) (exp!=O)
(EXP==0) (EXP!=0) (EXP==1) (EXP!=1)
much too, another pair much too, another one too much, the other one too much, the others
expensive; one expensive; pair high; one high; pair
too many much too many too too much
to buy which pair which pair to buy buy which pair which pair buying
a new pair a new one a pair of some new pair
) the other ) other ) others ) another
other pair other shoe another pair the other one
another one another another pair the other pair
(!exp==0) (exp>0‖exp<0) (exp==0) (exp!=0)
(EXP==0) (EXP!=0) (EXP==1) (EXP!=1)
(exp==0) (exp!=0) (exp==1) (exp!=1)
a new pair a new one a pair of some new pair
(!exp==0) (exp>0‖ exp<0) (exp==0) (exp!=0)