technology sociology physiology astronomy
beneficially channeled given a destructive tendency held back until maturity effectively suppressed
do people find people find it find people do people find it
technical classical social societal
tempt people to be cruel to children show the primitive cruelty in children lend themselves to undesirable experiments with children increase a tendency to sadism in children
technology sociology physiology astronomy
trivial crucial minor insignificant
creators innovators appliers inventors
technical classical social societal
creators innovators appliers inventors
makes them come to term with their fears develops their power of memory convinces them there is nothing to be afraid of encourages them not to have ridiculous beliefs
trivial crucial minor insignificant
technical classical social societal
repeated without variation treated with reverence adapted by the parent set in the present
creators innovators appliers inventors
including incorporating indicating indulging
fairy stories are still being made up there is confusion about different kinds of truth people try to modernise old fairy stories there is more concern for children' s fears nowadays
technology sociology physiology astronomy
trivial crucial minor insignificant