occurring to occur to be occurred from being occurred
occurring to occur to be occurred from being occurred
be given will be given should given is given
Provide; prevent Providing; prevent Provides; prevent Providing; preventing
separate prevent protect Divide
occurring to occur to be occurred from being occurred
be given will be given should give is given
occurring to occur to be occurred from being occurred
to live for living from living living
to prevent; being polluted to preventing; being polluted to prevent; polluting to prevent; polluted
protect defend prevent preserve
from living living to living to live
how we should prevent why should we prevent why we should prevent whether we should prevent
contact contrast connection conflict
from living to live from being lived to living
prevent…to cut prevent…from cutting prevent…of cutting prevent…cut
stay low to the ground get to high ground walk through the flood water stay away from a window
prevent , kill prevent , killing preventing , kill prevent, to kill