you have to pay interest to the bank. you have to close your account you have to open a new account. you have to pay a penalty or fee.
Shall I take your order At your service What to follow Can I help you
Investigation. Career interests. Public relation. Public affair.
Shall I take your order? At your servicE. What to follow? With pleasurE.
Shall I take your order At your service Can I help you What to follow
Shall I take your order? At your servicE. What to follow? Can I help you?
Can I do for you At your service What to follow Shall I take your order
Shall I take your order At your service What to follow Can I help you
such; charm so; able too; interest enough; dream
Oh, what? What can I do for you? At your servicE. Shall I take your order?
the amount of money you have in the bank. the current rates of interest. the current rates of exchange. the best way to save your money.
What can I do for you? At your service Shall I take your order? Oh, what?
Shall I take your order? At your servicE. Can I help you? What to follow?
a bank lends to people. a bank loans to businesses. a bank pays you. a bank uses.
attract inspire appeal interest
Can I do for you At your service What to follow Shall I take your order