Good General Gross Guarantee
signature of applicant signature of inspector sign your name sign other person’s name
DNA复制的过程 蛋白质翻译的过程 RNA转录和蛋白质翻译的过程 DNA复制和RNA转录的过程
protest agreement trade need
Good General Gross Guarantee
Good General Gross Guarantee
signature of applicant signature of inspector sign your name sign other person's name
DNA复制的过程 RNA转录的过程 蛋白质翻译的过程 RNA转录和蛋白质翻译的过程
符合有关标准 吃起来味道很好 适合人类食用 规范检验
DNA复制的过程 RNA转录的过程 蛋白质翻译的过程 RNA转录和蛋白质翻译的过程 DNA复制和RNA转录的过程
不可转录的DNA序列 可转录的DNA序列 可转录,且被翻译的DNA序列 位于可转录、翻译序列之间的,不被翻译的DNA序列
came concluded arrived make
在规定的期限内卸货 在规定的日期后卸货 卸货日期 卸毕日期
to implement, administer, and carry out WTO Agreement and it annexes to act as a forum for ongoing multilateral trade negotiations to serve as a tribunal for resolving disputes to review the trade policies and practices of member states