ISM Code IOPP Code IMS Code ISPS Code
ISM code ISPS code IBC code FSS code
ISM Code ISPS Code FSS Code IBC Code
国家海事局 /交通部水运司 中国船级社 /船舶检验局 国家海事局 /地方船舶检验局 交通部水运司 /国家海事局
the detailed security-related requirements guidelines to meet security-related requirements the detailed security-related requirements and the guidelines to meet them how to run a shipping company considering the potential terrorism action
2004 年1 月1 日 2004 年 7 月 l 日 “船舶和港口设施保安国际规则”(ISPS 规则) 2004 年 12 月 31 日 2005 年 1 月 1 日
a ship security plan a ship security officer a company security officer certain onboard equipments
SOLAS MARPOL STCW Ballast Water convention
Revised MARPOL Annex I Revised MARPOL Annex II International convention for the control and management of ships` ballast water andsediments ISPS Code