call at call off call in call for I
call on call to call forward call at
get through get across get down get around
call up me call me up call up I call I up
call will call am calling have called
did; get over do; get it didn’t; get together did; get through
really call did called did call do call
Go ahead You are wanted You need You are welcome
not, call him up don’t, call up him don’t, call him up did, call he up
get along get through get over get in
get back to get to back get back get to
call at call off call in call for
arrive; get arrive in; get to arrive at; get to arrive in; get
12345.00************;-12345.68*********** 12345***************;-12345************** 12345***************;-12345.68*********** 12345.00************;-12345**************
Learn to walk before you run It's never too old to learn A.good beginning is half done The early bird catches the worm