made up your minds changed your minds kept in mind fixed your minds
first of all on the whole on the other hand generally speaking
awared unforgettable awaring aware
to be finished is finished finishing will have been finished
you made did you make had you made you have made
on the whole except that generally speaking on the other hand
you made did you make had you made you have made
have made up your mind made up your mind will make up your mind had made up your mind
to be finished is finished will have been finished finishing
to be finished is finished will have been finished finishing
make sure to make sure made sure making sure
as a whole on the whole on the other hand generally speaking
you made did you make had you made you have made
mustn’t have prepared needn’t have prepared shouldn’t have prepared can’t have prepared
first of all all in all on the other hand in other words
were not grading have already been graded were still being graded have not grading
make made will make have made